How Rowing Has Impacted My Life - Adam Robertson
As I'm writing this, it's half past six on a Saturday evening and I'm exhausted. I've been awake for nearly 12 hours. Out of choice.
Typically, weekends are a chance for lie-ins and cooked breakfasts but for me, they're an opportunity to improve and work towards what every rower wants: perfection. Rowing itself is an extremely simple sport. Anyone could go to a park and paddle around on a lake without any real difficulty. But to do it competitively (as with most sports) takes hard work and copious amounts of dedication. In a sport surrounding sitting in a boat that’s going backwards, rowers don’t have a lot of decisions to make. It isn't like football where you could pass or you could shoot or do anything else of use. We just practice the same movement over and over again, with minute changes, in the hope that these changes will make us faster.
My motivation to get up in the morning comes down purely to my want to be the best version of myself that I can be and that is why I choose to give up my lie-ins.
This article was supposed to be about how rowing has changed my life, but honestly, I can't being to imagine what I would be doing with my life if I wasn’t (constantly) rowing.