Committed to Excellence

The Time of Their Lives

I’m sure most of you either saw or heard about our school show this October, ‘Back to the 80’s’ which was in my opinion a thrilling experience just sitting in the audience. But what is being part of the production actually like? For any aspiring actors, musicians or people interested in being in a future show, here are a few things that some cast/band members gained from their difficult yet equally enjoyable rehearsals and performance and their experience being part of school shows over the years.

The rush of waiting to perform on the stage on opening night was like no other. The lights shining on our faces, setting the mood of the beginning scene was an exhilarating moment that I wish I could have captured and kept forever. Performing for an audience is the one thing I will never tire of doing. Words cannot describe what the feeling was truly like. The cast were my favourite part of being in the school show this year. With all the memories made and shared, it is definitely one of the most enjoyable parts of school. Whether it’s the backstage jokes, helping each other practice our lines, or eating a pre-performance Chinese, it brought us all together and I really loved being a part of it. I’m going to miss being able to do it again in the future.

I loved being a part of the ‘Back to the 80’s’ band. Although over the months it was tough at times, it was worth it. Working alongside the rest of the cast was an amazing experience to put on such a fantastic production!

My high school experience wouldn’t have been as amazing as it has been without being involved in the school productions. 4 shows later and I have acquired the most amazing friendships a person could ask for. From playing a small but aggressive Shakespearean lead, to a teacher from the 80s, I’ve had the opportunity to explore so many different roles and really challenge myself, whilst also having the most fun I’ve ever had. 20 years down the line, it won’t be the biology test that I did well in that I’ll remember, it will be the friendships, rehearsals, the singing and dancing, and let’s not forget, the phenomenal outcome of the performances that (not to brag) sold out every night. Nothing beats a standing ovation.

Back to the 80’s provided fun and laughs at every given moment I was a part of it but it required a high level of dedication, respect and teamwork from everyone involved. The final product, which blew audiences away, made mem feel so proud of the exhilarating performance we had worked tirelessly to put together.

Playing in the show band was an amazing experience, it tested and improved my ensemble skills and musicianship. It was amazing to work as a part of such a large production and how everyone could work so well to deliver a show which was so enjoyable to the audience.

Taking part in the school show ‘Back to the 80’s’ this October was a privilege, and an unforgettable experience. As a student who has never taken either drama or music as a school subject to exam level, performing in the show allowed me to acquire so much confidence when performing on stage. The process of taking part of taking part in dancing, singing and drama lessons most days after school for what seemed like months on end was a tiring process, but the hard work and dedication paid off and the thrill each and every one of us received from performing on stage in front of an audience is incomparable.