Committed to Excellence

FUNdraising for Children in Need

This year’s Children in Need events were a huge success, raising almost £2,500 in total! Although the bake sale was earlier in the week, the main event was Friday with many fundraising activities. From sponsored reads to our very own ‘Would I lie to you?’, everything raised a great amount of money for Children in Need and a lot of fun was had while doing it. Much of the day was organized by the Charity Captains of the school, Ben Heaney and Tom McEwan, who did a great job. Here is what they had to say about the experience:


The Children in Need vision is very simple. “Every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential.” When putting forward the ideas for Children in Need it was incredibly important to remember what this charity fundraiser was actually about. The motive will always be there for events like this because who doesn’t want to play a role in making a child’s life that little bit better? Chucking a few pound coins in a bucket seems like nothing but put it on a national scale like Children in Need does and you come to making almost fifty million pounds! This day can be stressful and exasperating at times but that should never put us off as a school. It was an immense joy to have a key role in it. From seeing the game show, bake sales and sponsored reads go from our paper plans to reality brings a certain happiness and gladness in yourself. Charity is a simple act which makes a difference to not only others but yourself. I encourage everyone to pick up a role of being charitable, not only through your school years but throughout your whole life. Small acts from the individual really can become powerful events like Children in Need.


Overall, I think children in need was a success. Not only did we manage to raise a lot of money for a good cause, but we did it in an entertaining manner which was fun for all those who took part. From the “Would I lie to you?”, to the captains dancing around the classrooms dressed as Harry Potter characters to Matthew Burke reading nearly 3 entire novels in one sitting. I am very pleased with how all the fundraising went and how much all those involved enjoyed it. I would also like to give a big thanks in particular to Sam Albrow, who did an amazing job despite every technological problem going wrong on the day.

Another enthusiastic member of the captaincy team, Ella, was super involved with all the amazing activities – here is what she thought about it. “Raising money on non-uniform day for children took many forms. One of the most enjoyable, I would say, was running about the corridors and into classrooms dressed as a member of the Malfoy family (it’s still up for debate which one). Having watched captaincy teams over the past 5 years make classes laugh and dance, I was more than thrilled to take on one of the many perks of having a striped blazer. A very fun part of Children in Need this year was taking part in Bearsden Academy’s ‘Would I Lie to You?’. Turns out I am not as good of a liar as I thought I was (maybe this is a good thing). Also, sorry Tom, I didn’t live up to your expectations, although you picked a good lie, I do seem like the ‘thought I was Rapunzel’ type. As much as my teammates and I tried to spot the liars, we came second (sounds better than last). Although, we still had a ball!”

And our very own head boy Fraser let us know his thoughts on the success of the day too. “I found Children in Need a brilliant experience to raise lots of money for a great cause and have fun at the same time. It was good to see the majority of pupils in school wearing non-uniform and wanting to donate to charity. I also thoroughly enjoyed helping out at the coffee morning with many of my peers- it was also an opportunity to eat lots of tasty cakes!”

All in all, I’m sure you will all agree that Children in Need 2019 was a roaring success – hopefully, we will have plenty more opportunities to do even more events and raise money for a variety of charities if all you pupils are still up for joining in too of course!