Sports News

For all the sports fans, here are the latest highlights from Bearsden Academy. As many of you will be aware the school offers a wide range of activities reaching from rugby to cheerleading that are being run by the dedicated staff and pupils within in the school. With so many clubs going on Bearsden does not fall short of successes. The girls in the netball team are currently playing matches against a number of schools in East Dunbartonshire as part of the EDC netball league and, similarly, the basketball team are presently competing in the Scottish Cup. The schools swimming team are looking forward to making a splash in the pool at the end of November during the Scottish Schools trials event, in order to make times for the finals that will be held in January of next year. Moving onto the pitch, Bearsden’s football team has played a vast number of matches that have resulted in both victories and defeats but there’s still plenty more to come in the weeks ahead. We wish all the teams the best of luck for their upcoming competitions and well done for your hard work so far. Keep it up!

In October, a group of young ambassadors and sports leaders attended a training event at the Kirkintilloch town hall along with several other schools in East Dunbartonshire. This was a very successful event that taught the group of pupils valuable leadership skills and encouraged them to use these skills to lead their own clubs within Bearsden Academy as well as at the local primary schools. It was also a chance for them to meet other young leader who share their love for sport and contribute their own ideas on how to get as many people involved in sport as possible.

Following on from the training event, the schools Sports Captains are currently in the process of setting up a new sports council that will give pupils the opportunity to immerse themselves in the sporting life of the school and help to make a positive impact for the years to come.

Finally, in the run up to children in need the PE department and a team S6 pupils hosted a staff vs pupil volleyball tournament that proved to be highly entertaining for those who went along to watch. Both teams put up a great fight and the competitive nature of many players shone through, however, victory went to the PE teachers (much to the annoyance of the S6 pupils.) Don’t worry we’ll beat them next time!

- Rachel Gillespie

Netball News

We have two teams (S1/2 and S3/4) playing in EDC League. S3/4 are sitting top of the league with one match left to play on Wednesday. They are currently defending league winners as they won last year.

End of season Tournament is next Wednesday!


London Dance Trip

Dance pupils across S3 to S6 are having a bake sale today to raise funds for Bearsden Academy's FIRST EVER dance trip. They will be leaving for London in June. We look forward to hearing about their experience. 

How Rowing Has Impacted My Life - Adam Robertson

As I'm writing this, it's half past six on a Saturday evening and I'm exhausted. I've been awake for nearly 12 hours. Out of choice.

Typically, weekends are a chance for lie-ins and cooked breakfasts but for me, they're an opportunity to improve and work towards what every rower wants: perfection. Rowing itself is an extremely simple sport. Anyone could go to a park and paddle around on a lake without any real difficulty. But to do it competitively (as with most sports) takes hard work and copious amounts of dedication. In a sport surrounding sitting in a boat that’s going backwards, rowers don’t have a lot of decisions to make. It isn't like football where you could pass or you could shoot or do anything else of use. We just practice the same movement over and over again, with minute changes, in the hope that these changes will make us faster.

My motivation to get up in the morning comes down purely to my want to be the best version of myself that I can be and that is why I choose to give up my lie-ins.

This article was supposed to be about how rowing has changed my life, but honestly, I can't being to imagine what I would be doing with my life if I wasn’t (constantly) rowing.

Sports Trip to Munich

The Baljaffray 2005 Team have been given an exciting opportunity to play six matches of the Bayern Trophy Tournament in Munich. The trip will include a tour of the Allianz Arena as well as the city of Munich itself. The pupils from S1 and S2 will be away from Thursday 18th April until Sunday 21st April.

We look forward to bringing you news about their trip and this amazing experience.